I'm so shocked Yellow cab recieved 4 stars! Come on...
I'm so shocked Yellow cab recieved 4 stars! Come on people?!!! Do you really know how pizza should taste like?! Or look like?! a few months back I had cravings from NY style pizza and after reading reviews here on Qatar living I thought i was going to satisfy my cravings..Boy was I WRONG!! Yellow cab pizza is over priced but thats not a problem if what your getting is well deserving your money! which it wasn't! It seemed like th dough wasnt even cooked! It was hard..the taste of the sauce didnt come through...And cheese?..plain ol cheese!...Nothing special about this place! And for those who say it's better than Pizza hut or papa Johns...Ummmm I HATE THOSE PLACES BUT ID CHOOSE THEM OVER YELLOW CAB any day! I'm from chicago and my dad used to own an italian resturant..No pizza place can make pizza like he used to so I know A LOT about good pizza! Looks like I have to give it a star so This can upload which I think is ridiculous so Thats why im choosing 1 star...which it doesnt deserve!