work visa question !!!!

dear all qls
i have impo. question :
my work visa was issued online 8/7/2012 w expiry date 4/1/2012 but still under process since then ..
i'm outside qatar ,does this mean that its approved but waiting for paying the fees or is there another explanation ..
the HR is not helpful,,they say nothing ..but i still need this work very badly ...
please help ,me guys /....
Well, without giving all this details you just apply for new job in Qatar. When they apply for your Visa in Immigration the exact situation will be known. Anyway send me email to: with your PP copies. I will try to get some information for you.
Hi, my self Sana I am from India I have a query relating my Visa which is bothering me so much these days recently I was in Qatar on a Job visa as a beautician and I got my visa stamped and my Id card has also been issued but due to less salary I left the job and came back to India. Now I want to come back to Qatar so my query is I am not sure whether I have got a ban or not because at the airport my sponsor told me that I can come back with in 6 months but now he says that my Visa has been cancelled so please some one help me please....
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Are you posting this question on a daily basis? I saw your post on this and some replies yesterday.
your company need to pay to MOI so that MOI can issue the visa and thats the time you can print it
ok kevin ,thank you first for your concern ...
1)yes you are right i meant 4/1/2013
2)on the moi site ,the visa status is under process,and the button for ready to print is not available ,and there is issue date,expiry date .
3)according to my department manager they are in immediate need for my service ..but he has no power over the HR..
4)my question to you is :
with such visa status with issue date and expiry date but not yet printable who is responsible for this delay the HR or IMMIGRATION?
AND again thank you
Your questions are confusing. Try to read and understand my below given points:
1) Your Visa expiry is not 4th January, 2012 as you had mentioned, should be 04th January, 2013.
2) After issuance of Visa only expiry date will be mentioned. So how can you say it is not ready
3) "What is the explanation of work visa....." what does it mean?
4) What help you are expecting from HR Dept. Probably your job requirement is not immediate. May be visa has been issued, but Company probably not willing to hire your services immediately. Clarify with your employer their real intentions.
Best of luck
my question is : what is the explanation of work visa w issue date and expiry date that still under process at the moi ???
is it accepted or not...and what should i do ???
I believe its the time limit before which you should come to qatar. If you don't enter before that it will get expired.
Once you come here,you will get the Resident Permit(RP Card).RP card will be valid for 1 or 2 yrs and should be renewed every time before it expires.That is the valid period for your work permit.
Just cross check with anyone who is more expert in this field, as i am new comer here in Qatar!!!