Work visa

Hi everyone.. One of my friend came to Qatar through working visa but he didnt work for that company, we just bought visa from them and look for a job in another firm.. Now, he got hired by XXX company and asked him to provide NOC. The problem is he don't know his sponsor because the sponsor where we buy his visa have many company. My question is how can we track his sponsor? I have his visa number and visa application..
oh becareful you are doing something completely illegal dude!!!!!
as far as i know buying visa is illegal.
it appened to my friend and the sponsore dennied that he had no information about the visa she ended up going back after one month prison.
just pray that no one from immigration is reading this :S
He should know his sponsor or else he will have problem later on exit .....
get hold of the guy who gave you the visa in the first place.