wife visiting visa cancellation

Hi there,
Would like to ask something at least because I am really afraid. I am here on visiting visa as well as my child. My husband sponsor doesn't like my husband to work for his company any more. First he said that he will give him a NOC letter, but finally he decided that he will not give it. OK. Next, my husband have been told that his visa will be cancelled, but first he must to go with mandoobo (PRO) to Immigration to cancel my child's and my VISITING visa...It sounds a little bit strange for me, because as far as I can see there is no need to cancel visiting visa, and I don't need exit permit as well as my child. Please, what would be your advice? There's no my country's Embassy here. Actually, we just want to leave Qatar together but his company's PRO told us that my child and me have to leave Qatar first (after they cancel our visas) and after that they would cancel my husband's RP. Best regards.
No need to panic or worry, now if u are on visiting visa, just u can travel without cancelling your visa or your childs visa,
No need to panic or worry, now if u are on visiting visa, just u can travel without cancelling your visa or your childs visa,
timtim8 you must be lost in space...what are you talking about?
It is reasonable question @qatarisun...but am not sure that would like to open a new topic about my fear:) Anyway, thanks a lot for all of the answers.
if it is a FAMILY visa, they have to cancel it. Family visa is given to the employee in order to be able to sponsor his family. Once your husband is leaving Qatar and his RP is cancelled, he is obviously no longer your sponsor. So visas of all his dependants (it could be wife, kids, maid, driver - ANY dependants) have to be cancelled. He cannot be sponsor of anybody since he is our of Qatar. It is a common sense. I am not quite understand what's the nature of your fear? Is it just because you will probably (not necessary!)have to leave Qatar few days earlier than your husband? Or what is that? what are you afraid of?
maybe thats the new rule of immigration, because there are cases of sponsored relatives here over staying even though their sponsor where already cancelled by the employer.
i think you and your child can leave normally. no need to ask for visa cancellation or anything. and then they can do the process with your husband.