Which onr is better??
Hi Qlers,
Thank you for taking the time to read my query.
I am in the process of changing my profession. My current profession as per my Q I.D is BLACKSMITH. I am a commerce graduate working in the field of sales. I was promoted from Sales Executive to Product Specialist.
The HR is giving me option's as follows;
*option 1: Accountant
*option 2: Sales Executive
I am a Commerce graduate
The HR says there is no other options.
As per your advise, which one do you think is better as for taking family visit visa, on arrivals etc etc.
Accountant or sales executive
Thanks in advance
Thank u all. I really do appreciate it.
Sales executive as well can get visa on arrival.
ACCOUNTANT. End of story
boxbe: accountant can get "on arrival visa" in Dubai
go for Accountant.
whitesmith! Lol!
On a serious note, take option 2. Not all graduates of Commerce are accountant.
will smith wld have been much better
what ever u take, u will not get visa on arrival in any country u wish to travel either as tourist or business
any one u chose, they have almost the same salary range
Accountant is better