where can I find Notary Advocate in Qatar?
By babugraphic •
Please let me know urgently if i can find any notary advocate in qatar. Who can also follow little english.
I need to change name of my wife in passport. For that i need affidevit in order to publish ad in indian newspaper.
Affidevit needs to be done only from Notary.
Highly appreciate urgent help on this.
Thanks in advance.
Anything related to Notary go to Ministry Of Justice behind City Centre.I know from personl experience.But they asked the text to be written in arabic
Check with your embassy.
I know that the American Embassy has notaries for American legal/real estate documents.
send me a personal message on this...
Thank you for the quick response.
However, I had seen Notary Board somewhere in Doha.
But cant recall the same.....
Anyway as far as i know that Notary is an international Authority. There are firms out here....but only thing is the location :)) Difficult to locate something here..
Thanks anyway...
There is no such thing as a Notary in the Qatari legal system,,,there are people here who are Notaries in their homeland though.