where can i complain?
Just would like to ask if where can i complain regarding about my job,my visa is kadama visa, but when my sponsor bring me on her place i have two work i do work in her nursery us a assistant and i do also work in her house as a house maid but then the salary is still the same,no good source of food,no good rest.Please give some advice where can i do make complain so this over employment well be over..
guys thanks for the advises that i receive. so really nothing i can do to make this thing even better for me, thanks to all..
It is quite unfortunate that none of the above response provides a proper guidance to this poor woman.
I understand that she is working under the current employer for quite some times/months and wants to leave because of multiple inhuman treatments from employer (food, rest, and extra works other than her contracted work) and knowing that no improvement is possible under the current circumstances. In that case, she has to give her sponsor that she needs to go back to her country giving notice period stipulated in her contract.
However, it is quite normal that even after notice some employers do not relieve employees especially the domestic workers who do not have the know how of how to deal with such issues. Recently we have seen the example of a man who could not go for more than 2 decades.
In the above case, she must approach her embassy and present and resolve her problems.
I sympathize peoples who suggested her to start a nursery later with the experience she is gaining. If the employer really wants to run her nursery, let her/him bring a properly trained person to deal with the children so that the parents, children and even the employer's business will benefit. Of course, the employer has to pay more. That is the core issue i believe here.
Housemaids are here to help their dependents back home with their hard earned tiny savings. People who employ them should have enough economical capacities rather than compelling them to do other works which is not delegated to them. Lets us consider them as human being.
Ms. Taurus just to inform you that in this country modern slavery is everywhere even you complain theres no guarantee you will win they can reverse or counter everything and last thing you know is youve been jailed. There are only two options and the first one is to stay and accept your situation and the other one is to leave the country thats it.
well, try to live with it until you finish your term. stop complaining for the time being just work and tell your employer you're hungry when u R. it'll be blessing in disguise for you since you'll learn how to deal with kids and in due time maybe u may set up a nursery too, then uR xperience will guide u to make it work okay? whatever you like (i mean reasonable ones) feel free to ask your employer in good way and in the right timing ok?
As you can see, exploitation is normal in Qatar.
I have a servant in my house who is quite comfortable with us and does not complain even though sometimes she has a big work load. WE RESPECT HER AS MEMBER OF OUR FAMILY BECAUSE SHE IS HARDWORKING AND HONEST, and not planning to go and "complain" to someone outside the house.
If you go to your embassy they are supposed to report about you to the sponsor. Some months spend in a jail guaranteed.
Best of luck in your career.
We brought a servant before who was as slow as turtle and could not complete within a day half of the work I asked for. "You give me good work and I will give you your salary" - this is the rule. I am just surprised with expectations of some servants who think they are coming to a sea resort and they will go out and do shopping days and nights with her madam (I saw two like this in my life).
If you have an access to the Internet and can write ad in QL, you could definitely find Human rights committe.
But if you do not like the situation you COULD ask your sponsor to let you go within 3 months trial and NOT AFTER he made a RP for you and spend over 10000 QR to bring you as a servant and make all official papers.
You came to work here and not to complain. If thousands of servants are starving here and spend sleepless nights, so why they are still coming?
We brought a servant before who was as slow as turtle and could not complete within a day half of the work I asked for. "You give me good work and I will give you your salary" - this is the rule. I am just surprised with expectations of some servants who think they are coming to a sea resort and they will go out and do shopping days and nights with her madam (I saw two like this in my life).
I have a servant in my house who is quite comfortable with us and does not complain even though sometimes she has a big work load. WE RESPECT HER AS MEMBER OF OUR FAMILY BECAUSE SHE IS HARDWORKING AND HONEST, and not planning to go and "complain" to someone outside the house.
If you go to your embassy they are supposed to report about you to the sponsor. Some months spent in a jail guaranteed.
Best of luck in your career.
Nothing you can do really. There are very few labour laws to protect house maids.