When will application 4 work permit get rejected?

I came in Doha with a tourist visa, stamped at the airport.I decided to stay in Doha.
I found a job at with a company who would sponsor me.
They applied for me at the labor department.
they took a sri lanka visa and wanted to swap this into a Dutch visa.
I got the news today that it was rejected.
Now they were going to bring it in front of a commitee.
ofcourse I have a lot of questions and I hope you can answer them.
- what happens when it gets rejected there, too?
- Does that mean i can never apply again with other companies because I got rejected already?
Maybe I will always get rejected?
Am really desperate now!
I really want to stay in Doha!
Could have worked already for so many comapnies, but always my visa turns out to be a problem.
Am really hoping for some help or ideas what to do next.
Thanks a lot
Take heart, sometimes it takes up to three or more applications to get the visa approved.