whats after blood drawing and x-ray?
hey guys,
last thursday i had this unforgetable experience at the medical test...will never forget.
when i asked abt the results and the further steps, no one seems to know exactly what..i just heard (BASMA)
what is that and where and is it as fun as the blood drawing part?
appreciate any response or comments.
it's a normal procedure ...they were saying for finger prints. After the medical test u'll have to go for finger prints..Basma means finger prints
thanks alot climbhigh
I have no idea how that VIP thing works, that's just where I was lead to by the boy that takes care of things like this for the all the various independent offices on our floor of our office building tower. They have some system I don't know how it works but its pretty fast and efficient if you need something done.
ur right, it's kinda barbaric, but what to do???
you think i can go to the VIP section for finger prints, i'm a sales excutive from Austria but middel eastern origin..
Yes its electronic and fast, but i kinda miss the barbaric days of the ink all over your hands and sitting in line with all the weirdos.
I went to the VIP section in the morning and I was in and out in about 10 minutes.
thank u guys, much appreciated
Basma = Finger Prints
it is on the road connecting Salwa Street to Khalifa Stadium roundabaut.(Al-Azizia road and district )
[ if you go by Taxi just tell him Basma - Al-Azizia]
if by your own then;
it will be on your right side after 200 meters, you go into the side street, and if you are lucky you will find a parking place.
it is an easy procedure, totaly electronic.
So this time it will not as fun as the Medical ;-)
They are suppose to be open as of 9:00 am during Ramadhan.
Best of luck
Finger printing location is kinda sorta in between Bevery Hills Garden 1 and Salwa.
Note: Beverly Hills Garden 2 and 3 are way on the other side near the Aspire.
I wish i had a map to pin point it for ya
Off to a profle check by Qatari Authority, and then fingers/thumbs and Palms prints
not yet..
anyone knows where is that?
Basma is Finger prints
Guess you have done that yet.
no idea what u mean