What will happen

Dear QL friends,
I ahave been attained family visa committee's meeting on 26-12-12 .On interview I have been discussed about salary and educational certificates and lastly the interviewer asked me to show me the last two months means November and December-12 months banks statement which I had not been in that time as I thought I have been attached 6 months statement with my application that so I did not carry those two months statements, but the committee's interviewer advise me just you submit the last two months bank statement and "we will give you approval" so second day I see my status changed "Application under process" and I went to missing documents counter to submitting the banks statement of those two months and the lady told me I need to wait 2 days more for submit the statement so I come back and I like to fallow her advise. On 31 st Decmber-12 I just check in the net "Application rejected" .I have been reached to captain who said me submit bank document then I have been submitted the current bank statement on same time, As this time could I expect that my status will re-change again or what will do for further, could some body have like this experience please share me .