What is the Process/requirements for Working Wife to sponsor husband and daughter?

I am currently under work visa, with salary of QR12.5K, is it possible to sponsor my husband and daughter and what are the procedures?
I asked our HR about these but said that up until now this is not done, and according to our company Immigration specialist the government is looking over this issue but until now, it is not possible to do so.
Please help. Many thanks
I have read here in QL that a working wife is sponsoring his husband and kids, I just don't understand when I asked our HR if this is possible for me to do also, they said I can't. Are there any special requirements for wife sponsor?
I am facing exactly the same problem. unless the company you work for is prepared to provide a letter of no objection and their stamp on the application form for the Ministry of labour, it is a no go despite the by-laws having changed. You can only bring them over on a visitor visa which can be extended up to 6 months at a time, at which point they will have to leave for 3 months before being issued another visitor visa.