What is the new government rule?

One of my friends told me a story of a Filipina who was deported to go back to Philippines a couple of days ago. She exceeded the 90days grace period from the expiry date(June 2009) of her Residence Permit (RP).
Whereas the end of the 90days grace period is September 2009.
The immigration called her sponsor that the RP of this lady is expired and have to exit Qatar within 24hrs, unless the CID will catch her & bring her to jail.
So the sponsor immediately bought the ticket for that lady and immediately send her back to Philippines.
So... is the QR10.00 penalty for each day is no longer applicable to have more time to renew the RP? what if there is a valid reason? my passport was lost & most probably it will be release from the embassy on the 2nd week of December, & my 90days grace period for my RP will end on the 10th of Dedember?
please clarify
Based on your comments seems to be a lack of "on time" action either by "the person" and her "sponsor"
She exceeded the 90 days grace period from the expiry date(June 2009) of her Residence Permit (RP). Whereas the end of the 90 days grace period is September 2009
Was not she aware of the validity of her RP? was the sponsor negligent to renew it? Why exceeded 90 days to ask/apply for renewal? (3 months is a lot of time to sort this out) Don't you think so??
In your case I would suggest to you to get a formal letter from the embassy and take it to the proper authorities (immigration and police if needed) to sort out the fact that you could be falling into this dilema of being caught/deported since the expiry date of the RP could be before the new passport is issued.
Clarification in this case is to be done by the authorities, maybe a public forum (despite all the helpful people in here) could lead to misunderstanding or to wrong actions looking to solve your situation.
Once again; better contact the authorities (embassy and immigration) and sort it out with them.
i totaly agree with u mr.
Normally it is happening on visit visas. It once happened to a close friend of mine. He brought his brother in law on visit visa under his sponsorship. That guy tried to get a job in qatar but in vain. He overstayed and did not renew his visa. He got a job somewhere and told my friend that his passport is with his sponsor who is getting his RP stamped and is in the immigration for extending his stay. My friend believed it till the Search and Found Department approached the company of my friend asking for him. My friend went with the PRO to the Officer in-charge of the Search and Found Dept. who told them that there is a warrant against my friend to catch him and deport him. My friend asked his brother in law about the situation who replied that his would be sponsor has lost his Passport (as per my knowledge that guy was a Govt. Employee and he destroyed the Passport and paid the fine in the immigration to save himself). My friend was lucky to be in a strong company who got the case cleared through strong connections in the Ministry. That guy approached the Embassy and arranged for a travel document and was deported within 3 days.
Do you know that by the low yes by the low you will go to the Jail if what you are saying in not through
realy frandy sugostin do not make propaganda
we have huoman rights
i can not beleave your story
un liss there is a crime or the sponcer asked her to leave
best wishes and love
Not heard of this rule....