What if manual fingerprinting also fails?

By deepak751972 •
I need some professional guidance and advice from someone who is having knowledge or experience in Police finger printing for the Qatar resident visas. I am an expat engineer working here. I have a problem with the fingerprints, they are very thin and almost invisible (on a couple of fingers). I have unsuccessfully attempted to get my hand finger printed 4 to 5 times. After this I was manually finger printed. However, the result remains the same – no clear finger prints. I would like to know what if manual fingerprinting also fails? Is there any alternate to fingerprinting for RP purposes.
we also had a similar case in our company, where the finger prints of the guy was not properly visible and our company had tried their best to convince the authorities for some alternate but the guy stayed in qatar for six months after that the authorities in qatar had sent him back for no fault of his.
What if you lost your fingers in an accident? How do they take your fingerprints?
When a person gets manual finger printing, how ever smooth is your fingers and the hand,ink will be applied on to the pad little thick by the roller which will be sufficient to enter in to the Ridges and Pores to give a clear impression of prints on a plain paper,
I am telling you as I have done my Master Degree in Criminology & Forensic science.
If you need any further clarification send me PM or mail