By susan_vic81 •
Hello, just want to ask some help and advice. My sister is coming here for visit visa. and now i found already working visa for her but she will not work in that company. only they give the visa for her.... what are the steps to transfer from visit to working visa so that i can get IKAMA.
I need your help please..
Thank you
Recently I faced the same experience, when one Indian guy came under working visa to Qatar but he didn’t work for that company at all. They provided him a visa only and once he is here, he obtained all required documents for transfer of sponsorship and he joined our company (already working with us & got his RP recently).
So i believe it is legal.
And while she is working she will have no rights if they do not pay her salary, demand extra payments, and otherwise exploit her. She cannot appeal to the labor court or even the police because she is illegal.
right. this should be worth double checking. risks are high, are they worth it?
it is illegal to work for the company other than your sponsor. Once she is caught, she will be punished and deported, and the company which she is working for will be blacklisted.
they bought the working visa from that company.
i just want to ask, how come she was issued a visa from a company but will not be working there? is it legal?
Give NOC to that company, then that company need to transfer from visit visa to working visa, payment of 500 is needed and also give the original passport.