visas in ramadan/how long does it take?

By cotton candy14 •
Hi!im here in manila and waiting for my visa...the agency told me that the processing of visas are delayed because of the it true? Does the embassy have holidays in work?.. How long does it take to obtain visa?..thank u in advance pls reply..
same situation here, male visa were already released. for female been waiting for 3 months now.
Ms. Cotton candy,, we both have the same situation. Actually I processed my visa last May 7 but up to this moment, no reply / no status taken.
If your employer does not have any internal issues such as
authorized signatory is out on vacation, funds are not available to process visas, PRO (mandoob) is lazy, no visa allocation for a particular gender and nationality etc. etc. etc., then it can be processed in 1 to 3 days here. Be patient dear. Some people wait for months. Just do follow-up with your agency there so they can coordinate with the employer. Good luck:)
Aaah..but how long usually it takes to get working visa??...
would u know if i can follow up visa processing?where and how? Thank you...
Immigration works do delay during RAMADAN due to half day work. Embassy are closed during national holidays only. Check with Phil Embassy in QATAR their ramadan timings.
Possibility is there due to preparation of ramadan, however, delays sometimes from company itself.
Processing of Visa's depends on company, sometimes company signatory or sponsors is not around, most of them out of Doha.