Nice to see this site. If anybody help me on the following:
I. I am a Pakistani national presently working in UAE as Material Coordinator. I have signed a contract agreement with a Qatar based private company and as per latest information provided by them my visa is under process. While the visa is under process, company called me and informed me that " we have requested for your visa, so please advise your date so that we book your plane ticket for Doha & airport you leaving from"
My question is how they sure that they will get visa and asking me for date for booking plane ticket.
The other thing, while i am here in UAE i have visa stamped in my passport is "shuttering Carpenter" is this any problem. DO i need final exit from UAE to enter Qatar as worker or exit & reentry will do.
Please guide me in detail and your response would be very much apprciated
Many thanks for dropping few lines for my understanding. Please provide me your cellphone no. to talk to you in more details.
Listen to what Serendipity said. Under no circumstances resign from your current job specially when you dont have the qatar visa
in case of you need more information send me a message.
Thanks you very much very your time explaining me the situation. However if u find something new will appreciate your reply.
I don't know how it works for Pakistani nationals generally, or Pakistani nationals based in UAE specifically. Nor do I know how it works for people of your trade.
However, it is probably advisable for you to wait until the visa has been issued before you hand in your resignation from your current position.
There have been some problems in the past, generally speaking, about delays in issuing visas.
I cannot say whether or not this might apply in your case, but it is better to be safe than sorry. In the past, some people have been offered a job and then resigned from their jobs and worked their notice, but there has been a delay in processing their visas, and so they have ended up 'between jobs' and unemployed for a few months.
Make sure that doesn't happen to you. Wait until the visa is actually issued.
I do not know if there are any issues relating to exit visas. Other people may answer your question.