Visa Processing
Is it realy that sometimes processing of papers in immigration are slow? I submitted it last week but the PRO told me that its still in immigration and its on hold, they dont know the reason why. Is it really happening in immigration that they are holding the papers and you will not know the reason why, or the company PRO is just playing with me? Please advice me because my visa is going to expire this week.
u have very lazy PRO
u have very lazy PRO
u have very lazy PRO
u have very lazy PRO
u have very lazy PRO
Hazelanne, i think your PRO is just too lazy. Visa processing is very easy and quick in this country. I applied a visit visa to my sister, and after 3 hours i check the VP # at and it's ready.
unfortunately I dont have the VP number.
If its really on hold the imigration will return back all documents stating the reason why.. You can also check their web site if you have the vp number. And no ts not that slow.. Your PRO is really slow and lazy.