visa for new born baby

By arshad_5619 •
Hi everyone Me & my wife are having qatar Residence permit and now my wife is india and we have a baby. if i want to bring my baby within 3 months from his birth, I would like to know that is he needs a visa or he can enter without visa then we can process his rp after his arrival. Is there any online information avaibale in the net for the same. Please advice me .. thanks.
Thanks everyone for your advise, really i m relaxed to here such news but if i wanna have know the latest updates regarding the same from where can i know
I think Searcher is right- at least it was like this the last time I have checked.
However, the law in Qatar changes every single day, so I'd simply call the PRO in your company or the Immigration Office for this info and check, so that there would be no surprises.
Mabrouk! :o)
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
Hey Arshad,
You don't need a visa,if you are bringing your baby within 90 days.However you will need the baby's Passport and birth certificate at the Airport.
Once he is here you can apply for the Visa.Medical and finger printing is not required for babies.
Hope this information helps.