Visa for my baby
By eril margaret •
Hello everyone!
I would like to seek help from you in case that you would know what are the visa requirements needed for my newly born baby, I just gave birth last Dec 26, 2011 here in Doha. My husband and I working under the different company sponsor.
Awaiting for any response from you.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Supriya, Ok i'll do that.
Thanks for the help! =)
Hello kabayan, I'm still waiting for the passport release of my baby. nways, thanks for the info. =) need to get passport for the baby kabayan,then need to apply for visa for your baby thru sponsorship.. its either you or your husband. but try to ask your company or your husbands company if they are willing to sponsor your need to process the application ASAP coz i believe you there will be penalty per day. Good luck :)
if you have already got a passport for the baby, signed application with parent's PP copies (including visa page, birth certificate of baby with signed application form to be submitted to the ministry