VISA Correction
Hi Guys,
Any idea how long the visa correction processing time? I got a printed visa of my Aunt last night however the first name was mispelled as JEMELLA instead of JEMELLE, I informed the Immigration right away and have it amended on the same time, however, when I checked the status online it still showing that "Sorry this visa under process". Anybody knows long ling it will take?
Hi. Would you know is there a way I can follow up my visa amendment. My sponsor (hmc) had already filed for a request of amendment one month ago..
Hi, Kristel. How much did you paid to get your aunt's name corrected and how long is the process? I just got my personal visit visa and my middle name was not included. Now the Qatar Embassy here in the Philippines won't stamp my passport. I hope you can reply on this. Thanks.
Hi Guys,
Thank you so much for the inputs, I got the corrected visa and my Aunt traveled back to Doha already...
Dear Friend..
Take the visa copy to immigration and inform the correction the same time they will correct and give u....
dont dealy EID holidays is starting by tomorrow
even, today night also working !
Normally correction is done at the same time ... Regarding the status of your visa, it is better to cross check with immigration in order to avoid any surprises.