Urgent !!!!, I need assure answer pls.

HI to all here @ QL. Relay its great Community which make things easier ..
My Q. which needs 100 % assure answer is:
*****Is it correct that they do not give work visa & ***************residence for Jordanian?
I need the assure answer cos this will judge this stage for me , I have the experience and I took the step to come here by visit and carry out the cost to find good Post, this strange issue is just 500% chocked me and were totally unexpected ....
Am in doha since 2 weeks & I need to know the answer as surely it will change everything at least will jump the stages and leave the country even if it is not fear.
As am new in the city in true I have no relations here So I relay at ur answer and replays pls , we do not need to know if it is correct why they doing it? Cos if it is true it is a fact which cant be changed just cos some body want it to be changed..
I spend the last 2 years in Europe , their even I am qualified with more than 10 years in IT field & I were having legally visit visa they never care they ask for EU status , every country have the right to select which people they want to be on their lands even if we will keep talking about human rights for the coming 5000 years.
am holding Jordanians passport and with a Palestinians roots
My great appreciate to every1 working & posting here,,
as per my knowledge the visit visas and rp for jardanian nationals are close due to some reason unless u get approval from higher authorities ... and for that u need a big wasta else not possible ... i know some ppl they left Qatar only bcoz of no rp extension and no sponsorship change was allowed by immigration .
attend a conference in the UAE with someone on a Lebanese passport holding an Engineer RP. They could not get their visa upon arrival in Abu Dhabi; only Dubai. If you think every passport and an "executive or professional" RP can get you into every GCC country easily, you are mistaken.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
That applies to Doctors and Engineers, but not every profession. It also depends GREATLY on the country that issued your passport.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Well thks 4 every1 again; as khan said couldn’t get the assure answer here will contact some consultant, still as it's wrote up for every rule there is an exception ,,
To PM : , if u have valid professional or executive work residence in any of GCC u can visit any other GCC freely will have the VISA on the entrance port this except for KSA,,
Best Regards.
Power to the non believers, it’s a great feeling to have and hold.
flan is right!
kicked out. And yes, it IS the nationality that is an issue. It has been this way for the past 2 years and the number of Jordanians here is drastically declining.
I don't see how they can arrange the visa through the Bahraini branch either. Unless you will reside in Bahrain and just visit Qatar. Even then, they don't make it easy for non-Khaleejis to get visit visas to GCC countries.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Friends, I need to explain ,,
still am seeking to find good post here , I had an interview 2day with "Bahraeeni " company located in doha , the interviewer told me it will be so complex to have the work permit and he will arrange it to be done through " Bahrain visa" (main branch ) , he used this point to offer me not good offer and I reject it , the point if I will keep searching I have to consider this to be the biggest stone in the road ..
If we have some Jordanians already in work & approved here still others rejected it will NOT be the nationality the issue!!.
there always are exceptions but then again you need to beyond just special to get them push that hard.
thks flanostu,, just what i need to know is about the work (visa) for me as an employee which should be linked to the work contract?
God! Family issue will be another point…
It's a shame, but I guess flan is right!
my friend at work can't even get a visit visa for a family member.
i'd suggest another country.