Unacceptable "wasta" in Medical Commission

By tonyhanna1 •
Two visits to the Medical Commission = 6hrs total stay!
I was surprised to see that Qatar is as bad as all other arab countries in terms of gov. services!
Mandoubs in and out making people pass in between numbers, people coming in and out without numbers while others are waiting like civilized people, yet feeling stupid and mainly frustrated!
It is not the same at all in the Women's section says the Philippino Nurse, there, there is no wasta, while in the Men's section wasta and jungle rules prevail!
An experience not to be repeated!
The worst part is that you practically have 7 counters out of which only one operates in peak time!
You have like 100 people waiting and 6 counters with employees sitting but not working and one guy who does all the work!
That is not to mention the bit hut outside where all these poor workers are made to wait!
Actually, in the women's section, the ladies who direct who goes where and when are usually local and they make EVERYONE toe the line. No favourites depending on nationality or colour or ethnicity.Another reason why women are better at running things.
there is no wasta in female section because there are no mandoobs-females (or very few), and mandoobs-males are not allowed in the female section....but you gave me a good idea! thanks!..
i do believe what you have experienced there , i feel like handicapped whenever i go there
Wait for more.. Every where you will feel and observe...