UK Visa processing time

By Mamta Babbar •
Hello everyone.I just want to know how much time does it take to get UK visa ,i appkied on 11 october but still 2 days before got the mail that your application is still in process and reached to Entry level officer....
Guys give the lady a break, she only asked about visa processing time so please don't spam her with unsolicited advice.... Mamta, if you have submitted all the necessary documents including bank statement etc. then you should expect a reply within 2 - 3 weeks latest. Ofcourse this is true for a regular visit for tourism or business. If you are applying for any other visa it may vary greatly.
britexpat is right, it depend on the workload.
If i may add something, You can still keep your pride even you go to UK. Don't give a shit how people are looking at u and respect you. I have been in to Singapore also for years and they are not welcoming as people think. At least British people have alot of qualities which we cant find in asia. We must appreciate that.
britexpat is right, it depend on the workload.
If i may add something, You can still keep your pride even you go to UK. Don't give a shit how people are looking at u and respect you. I have been in to Singapore also for years and they are not welcoming as people think. At least British people have alot of qualities which we cant find in asia. We must appreciate that.
People are robbed more than 50% of their salaries .......... as compared with the gulf .......
Dilhanj, Then why they say they want to move out .... move out to other places .......... ? Medical treatment is the most expensive , tel services also. Cities are crowded ........ alcohol abuse & certain other social issues .............
I think pretty much everything is cheaper than here except perhaps for transport (train tickets, petrol prices, parking charges are all quite horribly high) if you are earning in QAR tax free and spending there while on holiday. Don't forget to get the VAT back as this will also result in lower prices than what is on the price tag at the store. This will require going in a bit early to the airport for the return journey as the queue for this can get long.
Actually Primark socks and uderwear are pretty good quality for the price
Try Primark for cheap underwear. Cheap enough to perhaps even use once and discard.
Depends on what stuff you buy. Most clothing of similar quality is cheaper in the UK than here in Doha. Books and bookshops are aplenty and the titles available along with the prices are significantly better than here in Doha. I know people who even bring food back due to unavailability here and the cheaper prices there.
Stuff is so expensive ........... it's very tough .......... one has to think for a week before buying an under-wear ............
Mamta, You will be put through un-necessary formalities & restrictions so that you go down to earth ............ better have pride & visit easy & welcome-ing nationa like Singapore / Malaysia etc
Sadly, there is no fixed time. it all depends on the workload and the number of officers available.
Best to check with the embassy or consulate