UK visa

Coming my vacation i am planinig to go UK as a tourist with my family for just 7 days. i have enough money for expenses. am i able to get UK visa?
Job : Administrator
Basic Salary : 2000 QR
Special Allowence : 2000 QR
Car Allowence : 500 QR
Accomodation : Company
Nationality : Srilankan
Property : Own Brand new Car
Status : Family (Wife & 2 Kids)
Qatar : 2 Years Completed
simply not, dont go to apply. Pls believe me you are not eligible(sorry for speling) for uk visa.
wow, how one with the salary of 4500, with wife and 2 kids is able to go to UK for a week??
great saving skills.. i think i have to send my hub to take few lessons.. with his income 10-15 times more than yours, he never has cash available... :):)
...good luck with the visa...
Remember that, if you say that your contract finished here,defifnitely you will be rejected.Aslo, it seems to me that, you have intention not to come back.
1)you should provide bank statement for last 6 months
2)you have to get NOC from your company
3)you to get also salary confirmation letter from your company,but make up to 5000 QR as basic
4)if provide the evidences for what own here & in LK,it will support you highly
Check the link for details and paperwork required for application