UK Passport Renewal - but what about my RP?
Hey all,
I wonder if anyone has been in a similar situation as me...I've not looked into this fully with the embassy yet, but I'm going to I just wondered if anyone could offer me a word of advice.
In December I am going to be getting married back in the UK. After the wedding, I will be taking on my husbands surname, and therefore will need to change my name on all of my important identification documents, including my passport.
Now, having read the British Passport Regulations on their website, it states that you cannot travel on a passport in your maiden name. However, I can't get my passport changed in the UK because I would then lose the Visa that will allow me back into Qatar, as I need to come back here in January.
I can't change the passport before the wedding so that it has my new name in it, because I need my marriage certificate to change the name in the passport!
I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment, but at least I will have enough time to try and sort things out before the Big Day!
Jayne x
Hi, My question will b 2 u, why do u want to change ur surname after u get married, consider keeping ur surmane or add his in the future when is convinient 2 u to a double barrel surname, keeping yours n adding your future husband.
Just another way to look at this matter, i thought!!! all the best for the future!!!
Ignore the british authorities (everyone else does) - You dont need to change your passport until it is convenient to do so - my wife kept hers for three years before changing without any problem. Change it about 1 month before your RP renewal, but be warned that it will take 2-3 weeks longer than normal for renewal.
is that a UK passport??
Have you channged your name on any other documents?
I got married in 2004 and still haven't changed my passport and have been travelling quite freely in my maiden name with no probs! I didn't change it cos it was too bloody expensive!