Transit Visa to Saudi versus regular Visa
We used to work in Saudi and have a number of friends back there that we would like to visit. I understand it is quite difficult to get a proper visa to visit there (requires getting a sponsor, etc.). Can one get a transit visa and not actually transit (i.e. just go to Riyadh for the weekend, or a weeks camping vacation, and then come back and not actually transit into and out of Bahrain, Jordan or UAE)?
Yes, this is possible if your friend can manage to get a letter from his sponsor. His sponsor needs to issue a letter with your name and passport number saying that he has no objection you guys to visit saudi arabia for a business trip, once your friend get this letter, he needs to get it stamped from Chamber of Commerce in Riyadh and then let him email or fax it to the same to you (no need for original), then you apply a visa in Saudi Embassy here in Qatar along with your passport, return ticket back to Qatar with nominal fee. Thats all you will get the entry permit for a month or so. But I don't think this will work if childredn are accompanying you.
i dont think so