Is there any legal way not to cancel my visa and stay here in Qatar?

I was laid off in my previous company last february, but good thing they gave me a release. The problem is that I cannot transfer my sponsorhip to my new company because I did not complete my one year for them. Now, my previous company are going to cancel my visa, so I have to exit the country and back with visa to my new sponsor.
Is there any legal way not to cancel my visa and continue to work here as normal?
They gave me a release, but still they are going to cancel my visa, What are my chances of staying here in Qatar?
if there is any agreement between my present and previous company for me not to cancel my visa or exit the country...Is it valid enough to proof that I'm not illegal of staying here?
Please help me!!!
If they cancel your visa, they can get somebody else without asking for a new visa.
THere is something called "release letter" for SIX months between two Companies. Though it is between two companies, it is legally endoresed thru Immigration dept and the application is something usual Arabic written application form.
If both companies agree, you can work in the second company without any problem. You can ask for such Release letter - 3 times, means nearly 1.5 year. This way, you can complete the stipulated ONE year and transfer to the second company
BTW, ask them again. Because once they will give you release, why do they need to cancel you? Sorry I missed that part. When a Company give release, they usually give NOC (No Objection Certificate). But if your previous Company have their own policy or rules, better clarify with them.
As long as they did not cancel your RP, you are not illegal here. You can negotiate to your previous employer not to cancel you until your RP is finish and they will release you so your new employer can renew your RP under their sponsorship. You can talk to both so you can have peace of mind. :-)
I have an employee that another company is borrowing until I re-open my shop. There is a contract that must be between both companies - and then we didn't need to cancel and have a new visa issued. Try to ask them if they lend you to the new company until you are allowed to change your sponsor.