Is their a justice for me?

I worked in a private company in the IT department. My project manager use to use swear words everytime. Once he verbelly abused me (slapped). I spoke this about my company management and they said not to complain to the police and when I come back from my holiday, company will fire that manager. But when I go on my vacation they hold some money from my salary. Now i was in my home country and I checked from my friends that the company still not fire that manager. So I mailed my resignation letter to the company because I dont like to work with that manager more.
Now my question is:
Is it possible to take any action against that manager whilst I was out of the company and out of Qatar?
Also how can I claim my salary?
Thank you.
Now u cannot do anything, as u are out of the country, also at first instance you could have complained to the concerned authority in writing, so now not possible to do anything.
Mr.Sense thank you very much for your kind advice. Pray for me. Inshah Allah i'm not going to take any action against him. I'll forget that incident.
in your case...forgive and forget...thats all you can your heart from anger leave it all to God almighty. People who use to be abusive, arrogant, and showing no respect to anyone will reap what they sow at the end. Spend more time to think positively...never give chance to anyone to ruin your life because of anger and pride.
since you went back to your home country. NO chance men!You cannot hit someone which is far distance from you!
you nothing to do now , its late ur mistake that u left without taking your rights .
I didn't take any actions but I gave a complain letter to the management. I was in my probation period and only temporery visa is stamped in my passport. Even I didnt go for the fingerprint. So I hope they cant banned me for 2 years. Even if I don't get my salary, still I have a angry with my boss. Is their any way to take any action by writing to the police or a media? Thank you
you have already taken an action and now you are asking for advice. did you give a written complaint to the management of this incident? if you have resigned, and this might amount to resignation without notice.they can just cancel your visa, and not pay you anything.moreover, without a NOC, you wont be able to enter into this country for another 2 years.
did you check with anybody before resigning? you need to be here to fight your battles, otherwise, you will only hear stories from others.