Staying in Doha after 7days after cancellation of RP
By denetsirhc •
I know that you are allowed only 7days to stay in Qatar after your RP has been cancelled, but I have heard that you just have to pay 10QR/day to stay longer than 7days.
Disregarding the 10QR/day penalty,would there be complications/problems if one stayed longer than 7days?Has anyone encountered a similar situation, your response is highly appreciated.
You are supposed to leave the country within 7 days after the cancellation of your RP and if you are still staying in, there is a possibility that the Search & Found Department will issue an arrest warrant and further consequences (Do you think that your Sponsor will let you stay here after cancelling the RP?)
The question is ur RP is cancelled or expired....if its cancelled then U have to leave the country right away, but if its expired then u have to pay 10 QR per day
Within these 7 days you dont have to take another exit permit. After completing these 7 days, you must pay Qr.10/day until your stay and also have to make an exit permit to leave the country.