Sponsorship Transfer

Dear All,
I have been working in a company for 20 months,out of that 1st 12 months I was working in one department under one sponser and then I was transfered to another department in the same company but the sponsership also transfered to new,now I am 8 months working with the new sponser and the current visa expires in july 2012 that is 4 months from now,My question is
1)I got the letter mentioning I can look for another job and they will allow me to transfer. Is it possible to transfer my visa to any outside company?because I am only 8 months with this new sponsor?
2)Or whats the other option,because I dont want to rush things by quikly find a new job and change sponsership.Or else is it ok to ask my current sponsor to hold my current visa and not cancel until I find a good job and transfer over.(max till july 2012)
your valuable advices are highly appreciated
Dear Hbakr,
thank u verymuch for your reply,as you said if you can get any information or may be you know any immigration officer. that would be highly appreciated.
thanks&best regards
bhakr, can you please ask an immigration officer regarding my case? My visa cannot be transferred due to some reasons. The scenario goes this way; "My visa was cancelled last December 24,2011 and was reinstated in January 2012 by the same sponsor. The problem now is, it cannot be transferred due to the prohibitory period which is at least one year (correct me if I am wrong). Due to it was reinstated in January 2012, it appears in the system that I am only more than two (2) months in my current sponsor though I am with them since October 2007 as evidenced by the Visa pages in my Passport." Any advice so it can be transferred wihout cancelling?
Please shed light on this issue.
I'm not an expert, but what I know is that you cannot transfer until a full year has passed with the same sponsor!
I think there's always the option of lending (you stay under your current sponsor but they provide a letter that you'll temporarily be working for a nother employer and that they don't mind)
I would ask an immigration officer though,
good luck
Dear All,
please advice...thank u...