Sponsorship Change Procedure

By amithrolsondsouza •
please let me know the complete procedure for sponcership change for semi goverment Jobs.
I got CID clearance and Medical done. i got cleared both.
How much time it will take for change in sponcership.
In case of semi govt. your company mandoob needs to accompany you, or he alone can go and get the job done, as per above procedure.
Next step: Your CID report shall be forwarded to the Immigration department in 7 to 10 days (after your CID clearance) directly via electronic mail.
Then: you need to reach to the immigration department with your passport, upon your turn, they would check in their computer if the CID report has arrived, if yes, then they would ask you to make payment of transfer fee by the credit card or ATM card to them at spot. Then wait and they would put up changed RP on your passport in five minutes. That is it. It is easy, do not worry at all. You have already cleared the most difficult steps of CID and medical. Good luck.
Dear All,
My friend came in Qatar under VISIT VISA (Sponsored by his Husband).After almost 5months and 2weeks in Qatar,she found a job and had worked in a certain company and they promised to sponsor her before her Visa will expire, but suddenly they weren't able to change her sponsor on time until it got expired.She keeps on teeling the company manager to fix everything as too much penalties will be incurred.Company managaer said to her not to worry as they will be responsible for the Penalties(they will pay for it).Until Now, her Visa is expired for 6months now. She happened to have accepted to another company and willing to sponsor her,provided she will settle her penalties. So now, they went to Immigration to pay for the Penalties,& after waiting,Immigration staff said they just come back the next day as the Captain who will sign the paper is not in the Office.So they comeback next day,staff said to her,that her passport had already been forwarded to CID. Now, we need your advice regarding this problem.What are the necessary process or procedures they need to do in order to settle the penalties & change her sposorship to the New company she had worked with.Please.Please Need your advice everyone. :(