Sponsorship Change

I need to make sure one doubt regarding sponsorship change.
A person who having NOC and Sponsor Ship Transfer letter from the present Employer, He wants to transfer to other new Company. But prior to new company submit his documents to Emigration department the old company has closed.
is it possible to change sponsorship to new company still the old company being closed?.
Please reply.
Actually the signature verification of the old company from the Emigration is done already and got stamp from Emigration. Is it possible to change still?
Actually the signature verification of the old company from the Emigration is done already and got stamp from Emigration. Is it possible to change still?
The company has to be re-opened for the purpose of transfer. I think it costs about QR 3.000.
Even if you have NOC, if your old license company is already expired then you have problem when u go to immigration they will ask your old license company. We have the same situation. Ask your recent mandoob he know it..
Ask those in immigration officer, the final answer you get there
I you have the NOC there will be no problem in changing the sponsor.