Residence Visa for Canadians

By Canadian_Expat •
I am currently back living in Canada but considering a contract in Qatar. Does anyone know what documentation will be required to get my visa? I understand I will need to do a medical but what else? I have been searching the forum but have not found what I am looking for. I apologize in advance if this information is already available.
we have sooo much in
yeah, RP usually takes about 3-4 weeks.. but sometimes it might take up to 2 months.. it all depends on how busy the PRO of your company is.
Canadian_Expat , Beside the medical test you will be asked to do your fingerprints… PRO of your company will take you to this procedure as well as to the Medical exam.
Police Clearance Certificate… it depends on your Company. Some companies do not require it, but by the Qatari law in order to get your RP you must submit your Police Clearance Certificate. And this is your responsibility to get it done. You can obtain it in Canada before you leave for Qatar. After you get it, you have to send it to Ottawa for the authorization, and later it should be sent to Washington, to the embassy of Qatar. It might take 2-3 months!
Another way to obtain your PPC is to come here and to wait for the officer from the Canadian embassy from Kuwait, which comes to Qatar once in a while to serve Canadians in Qatar. All you have to do is just to sign Affidavit in front of her, that you don’t have any criminal records in Canada whatsoever, to pay CAD 50 and this will be your Police Clearance Certificate..and I am not kidding.. it is that easy. But the problem is that you don’t know when this Canadian officer coming to Qatar next time…lol…
Again, without the Police Clearance Certificate, according to the Qatari law, authorities cannot issue the RP for you. .. but sometimes they can (don’t get surprised! You are going to live in Qatar! LOL…)
This Too Shall Pass.....
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Hey am also from Canada, actually criminal record checks has been asked, as far as my habby is concerned. He is just waiting for his RP visa does anyone know how long it takes? Thanks
no need any criminal record details...those are not required in Qatar...
you are most welcome to Qatar...
It was not required back when I did mine....although my caveat is that the laws may have changed since then.
Good luck in your move Canadian_Expat.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Thanks for replying so quickly.
I know the company will take care of everything I am just trying to be as prepared as possible for what will be required of me.
Do you know if criminal record checks are a requirement. This can take quite some time here so I was wondering if I should be requesting the paperwork now.
your company will let you know what documents will be needed...all the things will be taken care by the dont need to be worry...
you will be asked for passport copy...birth certificate...three photos...if married...married certificate....