Regarding medical test for RP

My husband is working in work visa which will expire in 0ct 2013. he has gone in mid of march 2013 and will return in oct 2013 as he is on a project. his company applied for his RP. he went for medical and many chest x ray was done.then he was called for ppd and after two days for reading the swelling as 12mm. he never had PTB or any lung ailment.he was then referred to rumaillah hospital where he was asked to come another day. when he went again his xray was done and asked to come after 12 days..does any1 has pointers whts happening no one says anything and he had privately got checked he is not having TB.will he b treated n then re-medical done for RP.
we are very tensed abt it..
Dont worry, Inshallah everything will be fine.
Have faith in Allah :)