Regarding exit permit
Hi all,
I left my company. They gave me NOC and the release letter. I have not stamped the new rp in my passport, as the company's pro said i have 3 months time to stamp it even if my present rp is expired (which expired last week), I haven't joined my new company yet. Now the issue is that due to some family problems i need to go back to my native place and stay there (I may not b coming back).
My question is ... Do I need an exit permit to leave the country? if yes from which company, as i havent signed any contract with the new company and my old sponsor company has given me release and NOC.
Or will the NOC and release letter is enough to leave the country. I do not have any loans or any contracts that has to be finished in qatar.
you have to take exit permit form your old sponsor no need from the new
you have to take exit permit form your old sponsor no need from the new