Question for Brits moving / moved to Qatar
Hi folks,
I am moving to Qatar in 10 days.
My employer (Barwa) just asked me to bring a UK police clearance with a stamp from the ministry of foreign affairs.
I assume this is to show proof that there are no legal or criminal convictions against me.
I've just been to my local police station who say they won't provide this kind of information. They gave me the contact details for Disclosure Scotland, a govt department, who process these disclosures. Unfortunately this takes about 40 days end to end and I only have 10...
Presumably you guys have been through this. Can anyone give me advice one what you did or whether there's a quicker way to get this resolved.
Also if I just arrive in Doha, do I need a formal tourist visa for the first month until my work visa is processed, or can I just get one when I arrive at Doha?
Many thanks for your advice.
Appolo, your employer wouldn't know whether you can or you cannot do it in Doha. They have nothing to do with your British Embassy and UK rules. All they need is your Police Clearance legalaized in MoFA. WHERE did you get your Police Clearance they don't really care..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
ApolloC, first, you can get your visit visa upon arrivat at the airport. Later this visa will be converted into your work visa, and you will go through the proccess of getting your Residence permit.
Regarding Police Clearance. Different Companies follow bit different rules. Barwa DO need the Police Clearance. So you better either bring it from UK (even not authenticated), and then you can legalize it here. Or do as per Brit's suggestion. It looks like he has done it, so he knows what he is talking about.
aviduser , with all respect to you.. Barwa is a stable and strong company. I don't think they would still hire new employees if things didn't go well for them...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I needed one for my job, I went to the local police station, they said it would have to come from Scotland Yard, think I paid a tenner for the priveledge of not being a criminal and got the letter fron them in about 4 weeks......
I came to Doha 3 years ago. My employer emailed me a copy of the blue 3 month temporary visa before I left the UK.
It should also be on the computer at the airport, so when you arrive they stamp your pasport with a 3 month visa.
This gives your employer 3 months to get all your paperwok and residence visa etc sorted.
I went to my local CRB agent (lots of businesses do it) in the UK and got a CRB check form and brought it with me to Doha. They seemed happy with that at my employers and I dont think CRB takes very long.
"Every adult of sound mind, should be able to choose to do whatever they want, as long as they cause no harm to others".
I'll ask my employer if I can just do it in Doha.
I was in jail for branding my initials on my ex-girlfriend butt, She still loves me today, even do, she still married to a cop and she has 5 kids.
when i went to work in dohell.
Maybe its a new requirement now, who knows.
They change the rules in dohell all the time.
"A man may fight for many things.His country,his friends,his principles,the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child.
But personally,I'd mud wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sackful of porn."
Yes Novi, I probably came much later than your hubby, yes the the Agent did take care of every thing, however still had to go to the local nick for police clearance which was issued by Scotland Yard, saying that there was nothing about me on the central computer
Not another Brit...
My company only told me about the requirement AFTER I arrived here.. So, I had to follow the British Embassy route.. It worked for me..
for the visa usually the employer looking after it. When we came from the UK, the agent who looking after my husband gave us a visa copy to show on arrival. But that was nearly 8 yrs ago.
Normally it takes 14 days as far as I can remember, all you need is to go to your local nick and they will do it for you. Well thats what happens in England..Or otherwise do as BritExpat has suggested he is more expert in these matters than I. Good luck with your move..
Seriously BARWA are in real estate, NOT a good time to even be thinking of coming to this region in that field.
I wish you the best of luck perhaps you could tell us all how you get on but I would not be doing it right now.
As to your question coming from the UK I was not asked to provide a clearance form, and I have not heard from any of my colleagues that they have had to do this.
Go to the British Embassy in Doha, they will fill in a form and stamp it. This will be co-signed by the local misitry and will suffice..