Question About Qatari Laws and Working

By AbdullahAlSaeed7 •
Assalamu 3laikum,
I have a question about working in Qatar. I know if you are not a Qatari citizen, you need a work visa and a sponsor to work in Qatar. But what if there is a US Citizen that lives in Qatar, but works at home online for a company, and recieves salary from a paypal account? Does this still require a work visa? Is the work visa only needed for Qatar-based jobs?
But is the work visa needed to work online for the non-Qatari company?
If you buy property here in a designated area you will have a residency permit and you can work in an on-line job or not work at all.
Thank you, but I was asking about working from home online for a non-Qatari company, while living in Qatar on a residency that came from purchasing property here. Is a work visa needed for that?
In order to have a residency permit you will need to have a job with a local company here in Qatar. That company will provide you with your visa and RP. But as an American citizen you can come to Qatar on a visa issued at the airport and renewable for a couple of months so you can look around for a job while you are here.
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