Qatar Quarantine Services (QQS)

By strawberrylover •
I previously purchased an electronic item on UK. And now, seller informed me I need to pay $1500 as required by QQS(?). I will pay to the courier who shipped the item and not to QQS. Is there a way I can go directly to QQS? TGreat question is, does this exist? As I searched online and results were not helpful. Need your advise dear QL members. Thanks.
Sorry, I've purchased things from offshore and never run into this. Might be I've dealt with reputable/honest vendorss. The only time friends have had issues meant they had to visit the applicable ministry here for a short discussion and once it was determined it was (a) legal and (b) for personal use - no problem. Qatar doesn't have taxes for personal items as a general rule,.
already paid 10,000QR for it... :( paid until the clearance fee... am expecting the item yesterday but all they told me was the additional charge of $1500... too bad... now am thinking it's a scam... can't move on coz of 10,000QR I already paid... :(
This sounds like a scam. Do you have the item? Then ignore them. If you don't, have you paid them any $ so far? Consider it a bad lesson learned and move on.