Process Official visit visa to Business Visa?

Process to switch from Official visit visa to Business Visa? do I have to exit?
I need some urgent guidance, I came to Qatar to attend a conference on Official Visit visa(which was for one month) mean while I got an internship over here(providing me accommodation and living allowance for food)as my visa was for one month so it is about to expire but the company want to extend my internship.
They asked me to extend my visa,so I went to immigration office for extension and they asked me to bring sponsor's letter for it,which i dont have any idea who was my sponsor.
I took guidance from some other people about my case, they suggested me to ask my company(doing internship) to issue me a business visa, so in that case I will be able to stay over here.
The point is I dont know the process of switiching the visa from official to business status.Kindly let me know the process plus tell me do I must have to exit to get one or while staying here I can switch it.
How long does it take to get business visa, I have just a week left.
Thanks alot
I cannot believe that your employer doesnt know the immigration processes. how are they functioning? How they could register their company, if they even have no clue how to issue a visa?
I'm really confused now. How will you get an NOC from your sponsor (which you don't need) if you don't know who your sponsor is? OK, here's the process. Go to your sponsor, ask him to apply for a business visa for you. Ask him if you need to exit the country. Follow his directions.
My only issue is, will I have to exit to switch my visa?
And what about if I get non objection letter from my sponsor ?
sorry i wrote my number wrong, its 70073096.
Its a new number so I keep forgetting
Kindly can u let me know your number, it would be a favor.
My number is can give me a missed call or txt so that i can call you back.
I have just 6 days left,thts why i am really tensed.
Err, your employer MUST know the process for issuing visas or they could't have gotten you a visa! Do they have an HR department? A mandoob? You mentioned QF, I'm pretty sure they can find out this process. Your employer must apply for a business visa for you. This may be granted if your employer has the authority to get a business visa for your nationality. Or did you come under a family or hotel visit visa? Then you can't change to a business visa without an employer who has such visas. Am I making sense here? And you need to find someone who can translate your visa to find out who your sponsor is. And BTW, PLEASE don't fall for buying a visa from someone on QL or in Doha. You really don't want to go there.
Yes,My employer wants to know the process plus kindly tell me will I have to exit for it or I can get business visa while staying here.
OK, you don't get the visa, your sponsor/employer gets the visa.