process to come to Qatar on a job hunt

By Atheek Hariths •
What is the process to come to Qatar on a job hunt? pls advise me on type of visa that we should look for and other processes once we find a job there..
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if u have any family member brothers or sisters in Doha then only u get family visit visa for six months 200 riyals/month. visit visa fees 700-1000 riyals without airticket and accomodation. business visa fees 2000-2500 riyals. accomodation food and other expenses cost u 2500 riyals/month. Come prepared.
you can come here in Qatar through the ff. choices:
1. family visit visa- 6 months (family member in qatar only can apply for this
2. tourist visa- 1 month (no extention)- travel agency
3. bussines visa - 3 months (no extention)- travel agency
-all kinds of visa are transferable to work permit upon getting a job. your employer will arrange for it (work vis.)
-you just need a lot of self-confidence, hardwork, perseverance,patience, and most of all money so that you will survive on your job hunting and on your first and second months!
Best of luck!
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