By sazha_2009 •
a friend of mine called me a while ago..he's in big trouble..his wife is here in doha for a family visit for 6 months and expired march 23,2011
he tried to extend the visa for another weeks but the immigration took the passport of his wife and when he ask today for his wife passport
the immigration said that its already in the CID..
pls help us wthat to do with this situation..what steps we need to be done?
thanks in advance for your response..
why did you friend not follow the rules of the country ??? When they say that a visit visa is valid for 6 months max why does he have to take a chance. If he wanted to check if its possible to get more extension he should have gone well before time.
Anyways, i think most of the users have given the solution here. He has to go to the CID and get the passport after paying the fine.
CID calling you, Then go there with flight ticket and relevent documents,(No Fine)
Dear let him go there with original marriage certificate, and check with them what ever the fine the fine buy the ticket and send her back home..... if you need there will be some Sudanese guys, who understand English very well they will help them.......!!!!!!
... in what u want from the readers.. and try be more clear or atleast write what exactly the matter is... for a moment i thought ur friend's wife expired who came on visit....
thanks methapor...
just pray that she will be deported and not be placed behind bars....
Normally immigration people don't do that to family visit visa holders. If thats true let the husband claim the wife's passport from CID office and make sure he brings along with him the original marriage contract (with authentication from Phil. Embassy).
He only needs to pay the penalty and book plane ticket...
yah its true no need to rechecked it
they really need help..they wanted to go to CID office but the problem is its really hard to communicate if you cannot speak arabic..
I dont think,immigration people do that with family passports..the story might be else..rechecking needed.
Book a flight quickly, pay the fine and send her home ASAP