Please some one help me

I am a software engineer from india and I have been undergone the medical exam 5 days ago for my RP in qatar. The thing is I have extreme OCD and i am always thinking I have contracted some deadly virus like HIV and this thing is the only thing i am thinking about each day and night whenever I am conscious. I have been told by somebody that if my medical results are okay, they would inform me via sms within 3 days and after that only i have to go for fingerprint procedures. Now it has been 5 or 6 days and I haven't got any sms whatsoever. I am extremely scared and I don't know what to do. Could anyone please help me with some information how these test result and proceeded in qatar and what are exact procedures step by step. I would really appreciate some help. I know this sounds stupid but this is to convince the damn OCD guy lives in my body. I am scared to death please help.
Though not as serious as yours I've suffered from mild OCD since my teens.Mine is mainly to do with my fears of impurities and catching sicknesses. And I can understand how you must feel then. The paranoia and restrictions we put on ourselves can often drive us to depression too. And my OCD caused me to get a seemingly incurable eczema too which is not a good thing!
Personally what helps me is,honestly, my faith in my religion. I often read up on how nothing can happen except by God's will and pray a lot,take some necessary precautions, and then try my best to get on with life.Its not always easy but at least I know I'm better now than sometime back,Al Hamdullilah.
go and ask for it.
Thankyou for this post and the replies. I was looking for this information for someone who has undergone the medical test and is waiting for the result.
Mr.OCD, go and hibernate for the winter, let sadguy be happy guy.
I can ubderstand the obsession u have.
As far as i know some times it will take more than a week for response from medical comission. so relax. If u cant just go directly to medical comission and get ur result.
Definitely the result will be good. Dont worry.
ZAMANIFARKHAN you made my day dude! i am freaking thankful to you. I checked my results and it says i am freaking fit :) I was so worried you guys know for how long? Freaking three long years! yes 3 godamn long years and I did never want myself to be checked cuz I always believed I was sick. I would never get checked if qatar gov didn't want me to be checked. Die you OCD!! Thank you all who helped with their valuable infos. Have a nice day all.
im mixed up.. what was the question??
medical result here in qatar?? ive waited for a 3 weeks for my medical results and i month for my fringer printing..
if they said 3 days pls make it 3 weeks.. very possible..
You can check your results at this website
thank you somuch for your kind reply nomerci. Yea I know this is not reality and this is just the ocd in me makes me think such horrible things. But i have been exposed two times which makes my OCD worst. I am always thinking only about the worst case scenarios. However hard I try, this freaking OCD will gradually overcome all of my optimistic thoughts and I will start to panic again. I can't help it. But other people can always relieve my fears because My OCD believes just everyone but me. So It would be really helpful if anyone could tell me how these test and finger print procedures are advanced. Excuse me if i sound stupid again.
why dont you go personally to Medical Commission and follow up the result instead of waiting for the SMS...
OK, first BREATHE.
Then realize it is only your thoughts that are doing this to you, it is not reality.
Then, when you have done that, you realize it is YOU who is scaring YOU.
And once you realize that, you change your thoughts, concentrate and change your thoughts to what you really want, because only what you think is real....make sure you have the right thoughts to get what you want.
YOU create reality with your thoughts.