By sanjay.india •
can any one help me please...
Due to some personal problem i want to close my contract with my contract duration is for 2years, I am working with the company for 8 months only.
the company wants me to pay them
1) my air ticket which i ve used to come here.
2)the working visa cost for one year and
3) also i need to stay upto my replacement person should join the company i.e.
i should stay with the company irrespective of my notice period(1month),need to stay may be 2 or 3 months after my resignation.
Is this conditions are legal as per labour law, how i can approach with my company in this case... please help me...
Thanks in advance
go on emergency leave and dnt come back..........
it upto ur contract letter...if the notice period is 1 month then they cannot hold you..
Also not only do you need NOC from your company but if you want to just leave and go you will also need an Exit permit. So yeah you have no other choice unless its a genuine reason you want to leave the job and go back home, but if you want to leave the job and join somewhere else coz you are getting a better package then forget about it.You might want to contact the Labour Department and see what other options you have.
Go through your contract and check what you have agreed. If the points noted above are agreed by you then you will have to go with their conditions. If you dont have any such agreements in the contract you can argue for your rights but keep in mind that if you are planning to come back to Qatar before two years then you need an NOC and if you are not going with their conditions they will simply refuse the NOC which will give a two year entry ban. So study the contract, think and act wisely.
And here we go again...
READ THE LABOR LAW OF 2004, google, read it and come back with any questions...................................................
YOu need them only if you want an NOC otherwise they can't force u to stay beyond the notice ...
if your contcat have a termination conditions like this then you already agree , otherwise you can just stop going to office after notice period and handover process is completed
what did your contract say?
I think the company maybe be entitled to what you have signed upto.