please help me i am goen out of my mind

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i am writting tyo you beocz i know may some body help me.
i have apply for family VISA i not have tencey contract and i stay in my frnds home he told me that he will transfer his house tenent contract to my name so that i can apply he taken 5000 qrs and after given all papaer now he is tell that he cant able to do and he retuern my money and tell that i shall do it?
where shall i go now after 6 month long waiting?
i have to find house again and again all paper work
can any body help to get family visa if yes pls call me on 55702257. or on [email protected]
just pm me ur mobile no....
i can help u.....
tc bye
Now its better to back and come again after 3 moths and apply freshly for your family visa.
A lot of ' time will pass 'before you'll be able to resolve it.