
I was in Qatar before one year & six month. I bought my visa from my company mandoob.When i went in Qatar he make my id with all official work.After making my id he said i can work outside no problem.Then i take my driving licence.I don't know about the law of qatar.After one year he renew my id.A few month later my mandoob cancelled by company-for-this-reason.I don't know where is my company also.After two years i can not renew my id.Then i work another company with my expired id.While i was driving a vehicle of another sponser, a karwaa texi hit me back.Then i went to traffic police station.Police-said-me,my-company-report-that-he-don't-get-me-in-his-work,,then-police send me in the safar jail,got fingerprint & ratina scane and finally in my country.Can i comeback Doha again?Am i in the blacklist?How many years my no entry period???Please answer-my-question,,,,,
Dude you have been asking the same question for the last two days.
If you were deported your data is in the blacklist system of the country and most likely you have a "life Ban" to re entry Qatar.
Even if somebody checks for you (as suggested above) what are they going to do??
Blacklisted is Blacklisted.
And you were caught at fault since you "declare" you bought your visa into the country (Illegal and harshly punished by law)
i thing this reason .2 year you can't come back.but after the two year maybe you you can back.....
Try calling up this guy at 66537722... May be he can check and help you out.
undergoing retina scan means your blacklisted,you cannot comeback here anymore pray that they did not blacklisted you in all GCC. gudluck.