Please Help
I came to Qatar to work with company “X” as an engineer, after 14 months company “Y” wanted me to work with them but since they could not hire me directly under their sponsorship they asked company “Z” (A manpower company) to sponsor me so my sponsorship was changed from “X” to “Z”, now after 2 years with “Z” company “Y” wants to get me directly under them but company “Y” refuses to release me citing that if they do so they are going to lose a visa but they are ready to give me NOC if I resign.
In such a case is there a way out that I can be transferred to company Y without actually leaving the country?
I heard that since company “Y” did not bring me here in Qatar they cannot cancel my visa and if I request for release they have to, is that true? Please suggest.
If you resign and that company cancels your visa then you have leave the country anyway you can come back anytime as they will give you NOC. It would be better if you get a job offer from a company whose willing to give and send you a new visa before leaving the country.
Thank you all for your great suggestion
One more question to stealth if y has a visa for my nationality, i resign and z gives me NOC, do i have to exit from Qatar or can i be transferred without leaving the country ???
If Y has a visa for your nationality then there is no problem if you resign and Z gives you NOC. Otherwise you will have to start hunting for a new job
you just need NOC to change your sponsorship plus you have to get your current employer's signature on the transfership paper.
so get the NOC and change your sponsorship.
No rules like that
The sponsor has all the rights about your stay here....
You have to beg, plead ask for mercy and stuff like that to get a release
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone