Please Adive!!Paper VISA and cancelling it.

I was working in doha for eight months however the work place shut down. They gave me NOC however at the time of leaving the visa was already printed to the Passport.
Govt regulation : if RP is less than one year we need to cancel the old visa and come back in a new one.
I have found another job and have come to Qatar in the employers visa. The Visa is still a paper visa.
The new place sucks, too much of workload and unprofessional behavior.
Question : Can I join another place if I cancel this paper visa. since I have come in their VISA unlike in my own visa.
Thanks chemmu,
Getting the NOC from the old sponsor will not be an issue.
But how am I to cancel the this paper visa ? do i need to come out of Qatar again ? or I can get the NOC form the old sponsor and join another place when I find one.
since RP not yet completed, you can leave the current company and do not require their NOC. But previous RP ban of two years will be applicable in this case, and you will have to get another NOC from the previous company.
MM - would'nt it be too late to decide on leaving the job if RP is printed into the passport.
and a clarification on the above, I have come into Qatar in the new employers visa.
too quick to decide about leaving a job ...