Paris (France) to Milan (Italy) Train or Taxi ?

I am going to Paris for 5 days (I got VISA for 5 Days)
I have Great Desire to See Rome/Milan (Italy), I have the
following Questions ::
1. Do I have to Get Visa here in Doha for Italy or
I can get in Paris or No need.
2. Should I take the Train or Taxi from Paris to Milan
(Which One is more comfortable)
hey if you have a chenguan visa it should be valid for at least 3 months dear, and if you do not have time your best way is to get a flight to rome, else, there is train traveling from paris to rome, it will take 12 to 13 hours so you will loose a day on the train get a 2 hours flight to rome ;, and no need to get a visa to italy you chenguan one is enought
i dont thing the visa validity is just for 5 days, will be minimum 15,.you dont need another vis to italy, as chengan visa is valid and is enough to go to can take high speed trains to, rome. or bettter fly from paris since you have just a few days left
I am Afghani Girl with Pakistani Passport.
Have you any idea of the distance between Paris and Milan? Google it - unless you've got bags of money to spend on taxi fare, the train is probably your best bet.
As for visas - what's your nationality? Then look it up on a French or Italian government website.