Owning a vehicle & Swapping work permit
By Rob and Sally W... •
If I own a car in Qatar with no out standing debts or loans, do I need to transfer it into some one else's name if I want to leave Qatar then return under a new work permit and ID? Or can I simply keep it off road, then transfer records to my new ID
As I have arranged for the car to be kept off road whilst I'm out of the country (only for 4 weeks)I do not want to transfer legal ownership unless I have to.
you will be getting your same id. thats not gonna change.
You question starts with "If".
If you are 100% sure that you can come back to Doha in due time, then no need to transfer the car ownership.
If you have a trusted friend with a covered parking, better ask a favour from him/her.
Otherwise, IF you are not sure, better sell your car.
I wouldn't transfer legal ownership. Whatever your ID was and will be it is always tied to your passport, and if that is the same you have nothing to worry about.
without any hinderence to the public and not spoiling beautification of the place it may be ok,check with traffic.
Another point i feel, your present id is from different company,when you take up a new job if your present company give you a release then you may get same id number,if u r resigning and going out coming in a different company dont you think it will change and you may be in trouble later,instead if u have any trusted person of your transfer and retransfer back to you.i feel