Is NOC required to transfer sponsorship from company to husband?

i'm planning to come back to qatar under husband sponsorship and i just want to ask if NOC is required to transfer sponsorship from company to husband even the previous employer has been canceled my visa on May 2010 and i'm already in the Philippines.
Hope that you can give me the answer.
Thank you.
No you don't require any NOC, please contact us for assistance at [email protected] or +974 5852704
As far as I know NOC is not required to come back under family visa
AS said u, u r not transferring the visa from company to ur husbend sponseship.
Applying a new resident visa under ur husbend sponsership.
if u want a new resident visa u must need noc from ur previous employer,,,sure sure sure....
there is no doubt about it 100% sure.
NOOOO, if u not complete 2 years after ur cancelation of previous visa, u must need the NOC from ur previous sponser, U can come under family visit visa, but u can not get the permenent visa even under ur husbend sponsership.
If they have canceled your visa then you dont need any NOC from them. You can come directly under your husbands sponsorship if he can get you a resident visa.